Goal Progress / Net Worth

At the end of each month, I post an update of my net worth, including a brief discussion of any notable events that might have occurred. The latest month's figures can always be found under the Featured menu in the menu bar at the top of the blog.

Last updated: End of April, 2019
Net Worth: $997,888
Change from last Month: +$47,360 (!!)

Events Of Note Last Month:

My SQL courses on Udemy generated $68.65 of income. My courses on SkillShare, meanwhile, earned $31.28. This income will be dropping over the next month or two. I wrote about why here.

We've made good progress on paying down our two car loans. I obtained one loan last September and the other two months ago in February, so neither loan is more than 7 months old. The outstanding balances have been reduced by over $10,000 each - for the smaller loan, that amounts to about 25% of the original loan amount. While we are paying more than the minimum each month, these big reductions were due to a work bonus and a nice tax refund this year, so I don't expect any more big drops any time soon, just a slow and steady reduction.

Also - Happy May Day!

Net Worth Update

Our net worth had a crazy big increase: $47,360! Holy smokes!

March 2019 April 2019

This took me quite by surprise. In digging in to the details, I can see the gain came from three sources:

  • A roughly $5,000 increase in our home value. I have no control over this. 
  • A $10,000 decrease in our outstanding loans (combined car loans and mortgage). This I do have control over. When you look at our all our loans, we're paying down about $3,000 in principal each month. Any reduction in our outstanding loan principal translates directly into an equal increase in our net worth.
  • A roughly $35,000 increase in our stock portfolio. Another item I have no control over. I've mentioned before that we've crossed an inflection point in our stock portfolio - that point where market fluctuations have more of an effect on the total value of our portfolio than our contributions - but this is probably the most extreme example of it yet. Fortunately, this was a swing to the upside! But Mr. Market giveth and Mr. Market can take away. We'll see if the gains stick around to next month.
Credit card debt saw a big increase this month, but that is because we took a vacation to Washington D.C. I put all our expenses on our Chase Freedom credit card to earn cash back awards, but I've got money saved in the bank to cover them. That payment goes out next week.

So, so close to that seven figure milestone! I was hoping we'd get there this month, but no such luck. This is the closest we've ever been....

If you have any questions or suggestions for topics, please drop me a line in the comments section!